Coordinate Benefits Coverage with Your Spouse

When you, your spouse, and your dependents are covered under more than one plan, claiming under both plans can mean greater reimbursement of medical and dental expenses.

Understanding Benefits Coordination

You may wonder how to submit claims when your spouse has a benefits plan through their employer too.

Here’s how it works.

Your Claims

  • Submit your claims to your CUPE EWBT benefits plan first.
  • After receiving reimbursement from Canada Life, submit any unpaid balance to your spouse’s benefits plan.
  • Include:
      • Copy of the original receipt
      • Statement from Canada Life showing how much was paid through the CUPE EWBT plan (this is called an “Explanation of Benefits”)
      • Claim form for your spouse’s benefits plan

Your Spouse’s Claims

  • Submit your spouse’s claims to their benefits plan first.
  • After receiving reimbursement from your spouse’s insurer, submit any unpaid balance to your CUPE EWBT benefits plan.
  • Include:
      • Copy of the original receipt
      • Statement from your spouse’s insurer showing how much was paid through their plan (this is often called an “Explanation of Benefits” but may have a similar name under their plan)
      • Claim form for your CUPE EWBT benefits plan

Your Eligible Dependent Children’s Claims

Who has the earliest birthday in the year – you or your spouse? If you share the same birthday, whose first name comes first in the alphabet?

  • If it’s you, submit your children’s claims to the CUPE EWBT benefits plan first.
  • If it’s your spouse, submit your children’s claims to your spouse’s plan first.

Then submit any unpaid balance to the other plan, following the same steps outlined above (receipt, explanation of benefits, and claim form).

For Separated or Divorced Parents

Where parents have joint custody, claims should be submitted in the same order described above (to the plan of the parent with the earliest birthdate in the year first, then to the other parent’s plan). Where one parent has sole custody, claims should be submitted in the following order:

  • First to the plan of the parent with custody of the child.
  • Next (if applicable), to the plan of the spouse of the parent with custody.
  • Then to the plan of the parent without custody.
  • Finally (if applicable), to the plan of the spouse of the parent without custody.

Have Questions About Benefits Coordination?

Coordinating benefits means you receive the most reimbursement, up to the actual cost of medical or dental services or supplies. If you have questions about coordinating your claims between two plans, visit our Contact Us page to get answers.